When are you going to stop taking orders from the mirror?
When are you going to stop letting a number on the scale make or break your day?
When are you going to stop stuffing all the pain that is inside of you?
When you going to stop hating yourself?
When are you oing to start loving yourself?
When are you going to stop running from everybody and everything?
When are you going to stop all the starving and purging?
When are you going to finally let go?
When will you stop listening to the voice in your head-the eating disorder?
When will you finally stop trying to be in control of everything?
When will you stop over-exercing?
When will you begin to trust others?
When will you learn to reach out to others?
When are you going to let go of all the shame and guilt?
When are you going to start believing in yourself?
When are you going to start respecting your body?
When are you going to actually eat and follow your meal plan?
When are you going to learn to accept things as they are?
When are you going to start moving forward with your life?
When are you going to stop restricting fluids?
When are you going start forgiving others?
When are you going to stop isolating yourself from others?
When are you going to start living your goals and dreams?
When are you going to stop blaming yourself for everything that has happened?
When are you going to the things that happened in your life are not your fault?
When are you going to realize that mistakes happen?
When are you going to learn that it’s okay to be healthy?
When are you going to start being more kind to yourself?
When are you going to stop masking the real problem and dealing with it?
When are you going to realize that you don’t have to be perfect. Perfect doesn’t exist?
When are you going to be fre(ed) of your eating disorder?
When are you going to realize the eating disorder is destroying your family?
When are you going to realize that eating disorders do kill?
When are you going to realize all the people in your life you lost to the eating disorder?
When are you going to stop comparing yourself to others?
When are you going to stop worrying all the time?
When are you going to start trusting yourself?
When will you be able to develop a healthy relationship surrounding food?
When will you be able to use effective coping skills in time of need?
When will you give yourself time to heal?
When are you going to start dealing with all the anger stuffed deep inside of you?
When are you going to realize that your eating disorder does not determine your self-worth?
When are you going to understand that you are not worthless?
When will you realize that there are no “good foods” or “bad foods”?
When will you understand that you deserve to be happy?
When will you stop punnishing yourself through your body?
When will you get rid of your skinny clothes?
When will you be able to go out to eat with your family and actually enjoy the food?
When will you allow yourself to have a dessert once in awhile?
When will you understand that everyone has some fat on them and it’s perfectly okay?
When are you going to realize that one can not survive without food and water?
When will you start to take care of yourself?
When will you change all the unhealthy behaviors?
When will you realize it’s okay to have sadness and cry?
When you understand that you need to deal with all your fears?
When will you understand
When will you stop buying diet products such as diet coke etc…?
When will you understand that the size of your clothes does not determine who you are?
When will you realize that you are beautiful inside and out?