Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Chance At Life! Coral's Story

Coral is a 19 year old struggling with an eating disorder as many are.  23 people a day die as a result of an eating disorder every day and Coral should not be one of those 23. Coral is currently in Ottawa General Hospital in Canada fighting for her life.  She is extremely ill and deserves a chance to live. Her doctor's have stated that they are no longer willing to care for Coral and after a 5lb weight gain she will be discharged into her parents care to die. Can you imagine your child who is unable to eat and being discharged because the doctor's are not willing to their job and help your child? This is exactly the case for Coral  This is unacceptable and unethical.  If a patient is in a doctor's care they are responsible for the well being of the patient. With Eating Disorders without proper nourishment the cognition is very low until the patient starts to reach weight restoration.

Below is her mother's story

If a heart patient walks into the hospital with chest pains would you deny the patient heart surgery? If a cancer patient needs chemotherapy for a chance to live would you deny them the care they need for a chance at life? The same applies to eating disorders. With proper treatment eating disorders are able to have an outstanding recovery rate.

Please take a moment and share Coral's story and spread awareness and education about eating disorders. You can help Coral by calling your congress and senate.  Through social media you can tweet, instagram, Facebook the link below with the hashtag #WeFightForCoral You may also donate to he Go Fund Me Site that has been created specifically for Coral.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Coral at this time as she fights this difficult battle. For those who don't understand eating disorders I have posted information below.

A Mom's plea to save her daughter's life
We Fight For Coral

Please donate to help Coral
Go Fund Me For Coral

About Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders

Thursday, June 15, 2017

My Thoughts on Eating Disorders

My Thoughts On Eating Disorders 

Eating Disorders in today's society is a "real" and sometimes lethal problem and we need to fix it NOW . Not tomorrow or even next week but NOW . Sitting around wondering what to deal will not help those struggling and proactive about this

Why does it take a celebrity's death to realize there's a "real" problem and we need to fix it NOW, not later. Don't just sit there wondering what to proactive about it. Often those who suffer from Eating Disorders are the ones that are people pleasers, top of the class, not wanting to upset anyone,very sensitive personalities and shy. They are the ones capable of hiding the pain and putting on a "fake smile" in order not to cause others to worry and are very capable of hiding that there is a problem by wearing baggy clothes to hide dramatic weight loss. Those that have suffered for quite sometime before anyone was aware of the problem are far more sick than anyone or even they realize. Symptoms may include not being able to make clear decisions on their own behalf, obsessiveness with numbers, hiding any weight loss... Often there are co-existing conditions associated with Eating Disorders such as Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Bipolar, PTSD and Trauma, Domestic Violence, Self-Harm, Addictions, Stress and even Borderline Personality Disorder just to name a few. Eating Disorder Awareness and Prevention has been an issue for years and is very misunderstood and complex. I have personally known families who have been ripped apart due to some type of Eating Disorder. In the past year alone, I have lost 4 incredible people that I really cared about through acts of An Eating Disorder and it wasn't their fault. Over the years I have lost as many as 10 wonderful people and it always leaves you with the question of "why" or "what could I have done differently". The truth is there are no answers to this problem. Through research we do know there are certain genetic factors that raise the risk for developing an eating disorder. If you have a family member who has an Eating Disorder it raises the risk of developing an Eating Disorder. There is often times a genetic preposition to the development of this fatal illness. There are also other factors that include environment that you grew up in, personality traits, trauma and abuse, dysfunctional family and sometimes the cause is unknown. As Cynthia Bulick who is the Medical Director at UNC For Eating Disorders says, "Genes load the gun and environment pulls the trigger" What we need society and our nation to understand is that this isn't their fault, not their friends, or even families fault. It feels like a tornado which is quite scary and your life is literally being ripped apart right in front of you. It's an illness that needs more research and clinical trials. The stigma keeps individuals asking for help because they feel so much "shame" from the problems they have. No one should ever have to feel this way. An individual doesn't ask to have depression or other similar illnesses. So, again this illness has opened the public's eyes on how real and fatal this is. This is a Mental Health crisis we are in and cutting back will create an increase number of hospitalizations and fatalities.

Eating Disorders have the highest mortality rate of any other psychiatric illness. Losing a person you care about should never have to happen to anyone. We need more understanding, more educating, and more advocacy. We need people who "truly" get it. Eating Disorders are "real" illnesses. It isn't about food, your weight, or even wanting to look like someone else. They DO NOT discriminate and not one of us is invincible to the illness. It doesn't matter if you are  struggling or in recovery it can and will take your life if you allow it to. Eating Disorders take many lives every year and it doesn't matter if you are a man, woman, your economic status, race, lifestyle, shape, size, or even age. Whether it be Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, Compulsive Exercise, or Otherwise Specified Feeding Eating Disorder (OSFED) they are ALL very deadly. We do not choose to have an eating disorder, but rather it chooses us. We must look underneath and find the real problem rather than using very unhealthy coping mechanisms. Take a look at your feelings, thoughts, mindset that you have embedded inside your brain from such a very young age. Eating Disorders are about insecurity, self-hatred, feelings of worthlessness and anger so strong you are unable to cope. They are about having a super sensitive personality that would do anything to avoid hurting or even allowing another ED victim suffer. The negative thoughts that tell you "you aren't good enough." You ARE good enough no matter what the eating disorder is telling you. Secrets are what keeps us sick and you are only as sick as your secrets. Please get the help you need before it takes your life too.

I advocate for Eating Disorder Awareness and Prevention. Do your part by doing a walk, a NEDA WALK, set up a page to raise money and others can donate as well, spread awareness, March in Washington on Lobby Day. We can't just sit here and do nothing!