Saturday, February 15, 2014

Joy and Gratitude

Joy and Gratitude!  Does Gratitude bring you Joy?  I think gratitude is a very important part of being fulfilled and happy.  Some keep daily gratitude journals, others spend more time with their families, and some just stay in the moment.

"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves when we allow ourselves to recognize how could things really are"
~Marianne Williamson

9 Ways To Practice Gratitude

  1. Keep a daily calendar of gratitude
  2. Mark Anniversaries with Milestones and Predictions
  3. Share gratitude at the dinner table
  4. Express your thankfulness for the hard stuff
  5. Thank people behind the service
  6. Write letters of gratitude
  7. Start girl time with celebrating no negativity
  8. Say Thank you
  9. Appreciate things and what you have
We need to be grateful for everything around us and to people. 

My Gratitude List:
  1. I am grateful for my family
  2. Being alive and healthy
  3. For God
  4. For the ability to live where there is peace
  5. For the materials to read and enhance my education
  6. For food, water, and shelter
  7. For my Yorkie "Bella"
  8. For good Friends
  9. For music
  10. For nature.

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