Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Survivor Is...

A Survivor Is...

A fearless warrior on life's battlefield

A Comapssionate soul reaching out to others

A voice speaking out for those who have gone unheard

A beacon on light for those trapped in darkness as they guide them to safety

A guardian angel protecting the innoccent form harm

A comforter who's insight gives them empathy for fellow victims and survivors

A leader stepping up to pave the way for future generations to come

A ray of hope through tough times

An encourager who provides inspiration with their story of survival

A phoenix who is rising about the ashes in the past

A fighter who seeks justice

A hero who sacerfices to help save lives from being shattered apart

A defender of truth who stands up for what's right

A beautiful person whose inner beauty shines bright

An eagle who is soaring to new heights

A source of motivation for those rebuilding a new life outside of abuse

A courageous person making a breakthrough in life

A strong soul who has overcome the odds stacked against them

A confiedent solider om the fight who never backs down or gives in

A dreamer who believes in themselves and their work they are doing

An explorer who sees beyond to horizons to find the destiny waiting for them

An extraordinary person accomplishing and achieving great things in life

A caring person who shows the world what love and compassion are all about

An empowering person who envisions what can be instead of thinking what could have been

A heart of gold helping others to heal in their own journey

A voice loud and clear that refuses to be silenced

A blossoming flower who continues to grow in strength, beauty, and wisdom

An insightful person who shares therir knowlege to tear down the walls of ignorance

A listener who hears the cries of other hearts out there

A gentle soul not afraid to show emotions and feelings

A team player who unites together with other survivors to fight for the freedom of others

A positive person make the difference in someone else's life

A healer putting back together the pieces of another's broken heart

A butterfly flying high and taking off towards a new day

An authour writing the pages of a better sequel to their life story

An adventurer who takes risks and chances, seizing opportunities that come their way

A tough sailor who endures the storm and still stands strong after the rain is gone

A teacher that educates the world on the dangers and damages of abuse

An artist painting bright positive colors for those facing negaitive shades of grey

A good samaritan loving with all they have to love and giving with all they have to give

A hardworking soul making the most of each moment in life

A carefree spirit enjoying the present, looking towards the future, and leaving behind the past

A priceless, precious gift filled with so much worth and value

A lending hand to those in need

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